The role of women in war has been a hot topic of debate in America since the Gulf conflict. 自海湾冲突以来,妇女在战争中的作用一直是美国国内一个备受争议的热门话题。
Virtualization is a hot topic in enterprise computing today. 在企业计算的今天,虚拟化是一个热门话题。
This has made SOAs a very hot topic for our banking customers. 这使得SOA对我们银行的客户来说成为了一个热门话题。
In development processes and process development-related issues, agility has become a hot topic, because 在开发流程和与流程开发相关的问题中,敏捷性已成为热门话题,因为
Log file analysis is a hot topic in machine learning and monitoring tools. 日志文件分析在机器学习和监控工具领域是一个非常热门的主题。
Outsourcing is a hot topic that is attracting attention from both the media and politicians. 外包是媒体和政界都非常关注的一个热门话题。
But in gerontology, the influence of protein consumption on longevity is a hot topic. 但在老年医学中,蛋白质摄取对寿命的影响是一个热门话题。
Philanthropy became a hot topic online and across social media. 慈善再次成为网络和媒体的热门话题。
Thus, the development of private brands has been a hot topic. 因此,自有品牌的开发和建设问题已经成为一个热点话题。
This best-seller has become a hot topic during people's leisure. 这本畅销书已经成为人们茶余饭后的话题。
Recently, the study of QODN is a hot topic in physics, chemistry and material science. 目前,有关准一维纳米材料的研究已经成为物理、化学和材料科学的一个研究热点。
Page segmentation is an important part of layout analysis, it is a hot topic in research field. 版面分割是版面分析的重要组成部分,是一个受到广泛关注的研究课题。
Coopetition is a hot topic for management theorists and enterprises managers to discuss. 企业间的合作竞争是目前企业和管理理论界探讨的一个热门话题。
It is well-known that competition and cooperation is a hot topic in modern society. 2众所周知,竞争和合作是当代社会的一个热点话题。
Human nature has been a hot topic in the human and social science field throughout human history. 人性是古今人文和社会科学研究的热门主题。
In recent years, detection and location of people in video images is a hot topic. 视频图像中人的检测和定位技术是目前国内外研究的热点课题。
Language identity is a new hot topic in area of sociolinguistics in recent years. 语言认同是近年来社会语言学领域的热门话题。
In recent years, intercultural communication has become a hot topic in the field of foreign language teaching. 跨文化交际是我国外语教育界研究的热门课题。跨文化交际成为社会日常生活中不可避免的一部分。
The research of exchange rate is a hot topic in the area of macroeconomics. 有关汇率问题的研究一直是宏观经济领域的热点问题。
This is a key figure in several areas and participants will discuss a hot topic in recent years. 这几个领域的关键人物将和与会者讨论近年的热门话题。
Logistics is a hot topic in China. 中国掀起了物流热。
Employee's job performance is always an important and hot topic in applied psychology. 员工的工作绩效是管理心理学应用和研究关注的一个重要问题。
The staff turnover is a hot topic of the world's HR management. 员工流失是当今世界人力资源管理中的热门话题。
It is a hot topic to deal with the human relation among the college students. 处理人际关系是大学生中的一个热点问题。
Teachers professional quality structure is a current hot topic of developing teacher education and teacher speciality. 教师的专业素质结构是当今教师教育和教师专业发展研究关注的一个话题。
Which is more important, health or wealth? It is a hot topic among people. 健康和财富哪个更重要?这是人们常爱谈论的一个话题。
It has become a very hot topic these days. 现在它成为非常热门的话题。
Tax cuts have become a hot topic in this election campaign. 减税成了这次总统竞选的热门话题。
Peasant workers are a focused group and become a hot topic of all fields of society. 农民工一直是一个备受关注的群体,农民工问题成为社会各界关注的热点、点和重点。
With the fast development of memory research the study of prospective memory has become the hot topic of psychology. 随着记忆研究向深度和广度发展,前瞻记忆又成为心理学的热点。